
Gas-Phase Chemical Equilibrium: Summary

The answers to the ConcepTests are given below and will open in a separate window. 
Key points from this module:
  • The equilibrium constant is dimensionless and is independent of pressure, but not of temperature.
  • The equilibrium composition is only independent of pressure if the number of gas-phase moles does not change in the reaction and the gases are ideal. If the number of gas-phase moles in the reaction increases, increasing the pressure at constant temperature decreases the equilibrium conversion. If the number of gas-phase moles in the reaction decreases, increasing the pressure at constant temperature increases the equilibrium conversion.
  • An inert gas can change the equilibrium conversion if the reaction involves a change in the number of gas-phase moles. If the number of gas-phase moles in the reaction increases, adding an inert gas at constant temperature and pressure increases equilibrium conversion (the same as decreasing the pressure). If the number of gas-phase moles in the reaction decreases, adding an inert at constant temperature and pressure decreases equilibrium conversion (the same as increasing the pressure).
  • For an exothermic reaction (ΔH < 0), as temperature increases, K decreases.
  • For an endothermic reaction (ΔH > 0), as temperature increases, K increases.
From studying this module, you should now be able to:
  • Express equilibrium constants in terms of thermodynamic activities.
  • Explain why the chemical equilibrium constant is dimensionless.
  • Explain why the equilibrium constant is independent of pressure.
  • Calculate heat of reaction at 298 K from heats of formation.
  • Calculate how the equilibrium constant changes with temperature.
  • Calculate the standard Gibbs free energy change for a reaction at 298 K, and its equilibrium constant, from Gibbs free energies of formation.
  • Calculate equilibrium conversions.
  • Explain why pressures must be in bar in equilibrium calculations.
  • Describe how equilibrium constants change with temperature for endothermic and exothermic reactions.
  • Calculate equilibrium mole fraction for ideal gases and non-ideal gases.
  • Predict how pressure changes will shift equilibrium conversion for a gas-phase reaction with a mole change.
  • Predict how an addition of an inert will affect equilibrium conversion.


Prepared by John L. Falconer, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of Colorado Boulder