Boundary Layer
Heat transfer from a flat plate to a cooler fluid that flows over the plate in laminar flow
id = boundary-layer (do not remove this text)
Conduction Through a Composite Wall
Temperature profiles and heat flux for steady-state conduction through four walls in series.
id = conduction-through-a-composite-wall (do not remove this text)
Double Pipe Heat Exchanger Digital Experiment
This simulation uses the NTU-effectiveness approach to calculate the outlet temperatures of each fluid line.
id = double-pipe-heat-exchanger (do not remove this text)
Heat Generation and Conduction through Composite Walls
Temperature profiles for steady-state conduction through three walls in series
id = heat-generation-and-conduction-through-composite-walls (do not remove this text)
Identify Temperature Profiles for Composite Walls
Identify correct steady-state temperature profile through composite walls
id = identify-temperature-profiles-for-heat-generation-or-conduction-through-composite-walls (do not remove this text)
Melting Ice Simulation
Compares the rate of heat transfer from heated metal blocks to ice water
id = melting-ice-simulation (do not remove this text)
Parallel and Counterflow Heat Exchangers
Temperature and heat transfer rate in concentric tube heat exchanger
id = parallel-and-counterflow-heat-exchangers (do not remove this text)
Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Digital Experiment
id = shell-and-tube-lab (do not remove this text)
Combined Free and Forced Convection
Grashof and Reynolds numbers plotted as function of fluid velocity over a flat plate
id = combined-free-and-forced-convection (do not remove this text)
Compare Fins
Compares spatial temperature profiles in a fin for four tip boundary conditions
id = compare-fins (do not remove this text)
Cooking a Turkey
The temperature of the center of a cooking turkey as a function of time
id = cooking-a-turkey (do not remove this text)
Effect of Wind Chill on Skin Temperature
The effect of wind speed on skin temperature due to convective heat transfer
id = effect-of-wind-chill-on-skin-temperature (do not remove this text)
Energy Transfer Between Two Blackbodies
Radiative heat transfer between two black body surfaces.
id = energy-transfer-between-two-blackbodies (do not remove this text)
Heat Exchanger
Temperature versus distance for both side of a heat exchanger.
id = heat-exchanger (do not remove this text)
Heat Transfer and Temperature Distribution in a Fin
Temperature as a function of distance from the base of a heat transfer fin
id = heat-transfer-and-temperature-distribution-in-a-fin (do not remove this text)
Heat Transfer between Flowing Liquids in Tubes
Velocity and temperature profiles for laminar flow in cylindrical tube and annulus.
id = heat-transfer-between-flowing-liquids-in-cylindrical-tubes (do not remove this text)
Heat Transfer in a Bank of Tubes
Steady-state, convective heat transfer for a bank of tubes.
id = heat-transfer-in-a-bank-of-tubes (do not remove this text)
Heat Transfer in Fins
Heat transfer rate through a single fin mounted on a heat sink
id = heat-transfer-in-fins (do not remove this text)
Heat Transfer Through a Cylinder
Temperature versus radius for radial, steady-state heat transfer for a long tube
id = heat-transfer-through-a-cylinder (do not remove this text)
Injecting Water into Liquid Nitrogen Tanks
Hot and cold water are injected into insulated tanks containing liquid nitrogen.
id = injecting-water-into-liquid-nitrogen-tanks (do not remove this text)
Lumped Capacitance Model vs Full Model
Time-dependent center temperature of sphere using lumped capacitance
id = lumped-capacitance-model-vs-full-model (do not remove this text)
Plane Wall
Steady-state solution of heat equation in a 1D plane wall
id = plane-wall (do not remove this text)
Radiation Shielding of a Spherical Body
Effect of a radiation shield on radiative heat transfer to a ball
id = radiation-shielding-of-a-spherical-body (do not remove this text)
Transient Conduction Through a Plane Wall
Centerline temperature as function of time for a plane wall
id = transient-conduction-through-a-plane-wall (do not remove this text)