Heat Exchanger
This MATLAB simulation solves for the hot (solid red lines) and cold (solid blue lines) fluid temperatures as a function of normalized position x/L along the length of a heat exchanger for both counterflow (left plot) and parallel flow (right plot) configurations. Here, L is the length of the heat exchanger. Adjust the hot and cold fluid inlet temperatures Th,i and Tc,i, the overall heat transfer coefficient U, the length of the heat exchanger L, and the hot and cold fluid heat capacity rates Ch and Cc using the slider bars. The total heat transferred by the fluids for counterflow and parallel flow qCF and qPF and the hot and cold fluid outlet temperatures Th,o and Tc,o are indicated in the schematic.
This simulation requires MATLAB.
This simulation was made at the University of Colorado Boulder, Department of Mechanical Engineering. Author: Keith Regner