Manometry: Summary
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Key points from this module:
- A manometer is one of the simplest ways to measure pressure.
- Manometers are not suitable for large pressures because heights would become impractically large.
- Piezometer tubes can only be used to measure the pressure of a liquid, as the liquid is used as the manometer fluid.
- U-tube manometers use a different fluid for pressure measurement than the contained fluid.
- Differential U-tube manometers are used to measure pressure differences between two containers.
- Inclined manometers are best used to measure small changes in pressure.
From studying this module, you should now be able to:
- Understand the different types of manometers and the situations when to use each type.
- Calculate the height of fluid when given a pressure difference.
- Calculate a pressure difference when given heights in a manometer.
Prepared by Ryan Smyth and Janet deGrazia, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of Colorado Boulder