Partial Molar Quantities: Screencast
Presents the definition of partial molar quantities and describes how they could be measured.
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Uses molar quantity of solution and the Gibbs-Duhem equation to derive an equation for partial molar quantities in terms of a total derivative. Shows how to determine partial molar quantities from graph of molar quantity of mixture versus mole fraction of mixture.
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Important Equations:
Partial Molar Quantity:
\[\overline{M_i} \equiv \left( \frac{\partial M^{total}}{\partial n_i} \right) _{T,P,n_{j \neq i}}\]
\[M = \sum_i {x_i\overline{M_i}}\]
where \(M\) represents a state variable per mole for a mixture
\(M^{total}\) represents a total value of a state variable (not per mole)
\(\overline{M}\) is a partial molar quantity
\(x_i\) is the mole fraction of component \(i\)
For a binary mixture, enthalpy per mole of mixture is:
\[H = x_1\overline{H}_1 + x_2\overline{H}_2\]
The partial derivative for a binary mixture:
\[\overline{G}_i \equiv \left( \frac{\partial \underline{G}}{\partial n_i} \right) _{T,P,n_{j \neq i}} = \mu _i \hspace{1mm}(chemical \hspace{1mm} potential)\]
Also for a binary mixture:
\[\overline{M_1} = M +x_2\frac{dM}{dx_1} \hspace{8mm} \overline{M_2} = M – x_1\frac{dM}{dx_1}\]