
Wet and Dry Basis: Screencast

Discusses the difference between wet and dry basis analysis. Shows how to convert from a wet basis to a dry basis.

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Important Equations:

Mole fraction of combustion effluent gas on a wet basis:

\(y_{i} = \frac{n_{i}}{n_{H_2O} + n_{CO_2} + n_{N_2} + n_{O_2} + n_{CO} + n_{fuel}}\)

where \(y_i\) = mole fraction of component \(i\) in effluent gas, and \(n_i\) = moles of species \(i\) in the effluent gas

Mole fraction of combustion effluent gas on a dry basis: 

\(y_{i} = \frac{n_{i}}{ n_{CO_2} + n_{N_2} + n_{O_2} + n_{CO} + n_{fuel}}\)

where \(i\) is all species in the effluent except for water.

Mole ratio of water to dry gas = \( n_{H_2O}/( n_{CO_2} + n_{N_2} + n_{O_2} + n_{CO} + n_{fuel})\)