Chemical Reactor Analysis and Design Fundamentals (1st Ed.)
J.B. Rawlings and J.G. Ekerdt
1 Setting the Stage
1.1 Introduction to Chemical Reaction Design
1.2 Batch Reactor Overview
2 The Stoichiometry of Reactions
2.5 Computational Aspects of Stoichiometry
3 Review of Chemical Equilibrium
4 The Material Balance for Chemical Reactors
4.1 General Mole Balance
4.2 The Batch Reactor
4.3 The Continuous-Stirred-Tank Reactor
4.4 The Semi-batch Reactor
4.6 The Plug Flow Reactor
4.6.1 Thin Disk Volume Element
4.6.3 Volumetric Flow rate for Gas-Phase Reactions
4.6.6 Multiple-Reaction Systems
4.7 Some PFR-CSTR Comparisons
5 Chemical Kinetics
5.2 Elementary Reaction
5.3 Elementary Reaction Kinetics
5.4 Fast and Slow Time Scales
5.4.2 The Quasi-Steady-State Assumption
5.5 Rate Expressions
6 The Energy Balance for Chemical Reactors
6.1 General Energy Balance
6.1.2 Energy Terms
6.2 The Batch Reactor
6.3 The CSTR
6.3.1 Steady-State Multiplicity
6.3.2 Stability of the Steady State
6.4 The Semi-batch Reactor
6.5 The Plug Flow Reactor
6.5.1 Plug Flow Reactor Hot Spot and Runaway
7 Fixed-Bed Catalytic Reactors
7.2 Catalyst Properties
7.4.1 First-Order Reaction in a Spherical Particle
7.4.2 Other Catalyst Shapes: Cylinders and Slabs
7.4.4 Hougen-Watson Kinetics
7.7 Fixed-bed Reactor Design
8 Mixing in Chemical Reactors
8.2.1 Definition
8.2.2 Measuring the RTD
8.2.3 Continuous-Stirred-Tank Reactor (CSTR)
8.2.5 CSTRs in Series
8.3 Limits of Reactor Mixing
8.5 Examples in which Mixing is Critical