Compare Fins

This MATLAB simulation compares the spatial temperature profile in a fin for four tip boundary conditions [tip convection TC), adiabatic tip A, fixed tip temperature at the ambient temperature \( T_∞ \) (FT), and an infinite fin (IF)]. The analysis assumes steady state, 1-D conduction in the fin, constant properties, and no radiation or volumetric heat generation. Adjust the thermal conductivity of the fin k, the convection coefficient h, the ambient temperature \( T_{\infty} \), and the ratio of the cross-sectional perimeter Pc and cross-sectional area Ac using the slider bars. The spatial temperature profiles for each tip boundary condition are shown in the top plot. The total heat dissipated by each fin and the fin effectiveness are calculated and shown visually in the lower plots. Note that the use of fins is justified if the effectiveness is above ~2. Edit the slider bar limits in the m-file to change the available range of parameters. Note that all initial values must be within the range of the slider limits.
This simulation requires MATLAB.
This simulation was made at the University of Colorado Boulder, Department of Mechanical Engineering. Author: Keith Regner