Steady-State Binary Fickian Diffusion

This simulation shows a calculation of the concentration profile and the mass flow rate of octane vapor through a tube in steady-state Fickian diffusion. Pure liquid octane is at the bottom of the vertical tube, which has a diameter of 28 cm, and a stagnant layer of air is in the tube above the liquid. Air flows across the open top of the tube to remove the octane vapor; its concentration at the top is zero. Use sliders to change the total pressure, height of the tube and temperature. The octane mole fraction versus tube height curve is shown in blue when convective flux is significant and in black when it is insignificant.
This simulation runs on desktop using the free Wolfram Player. Download the Wolfram Player here.
This simulation was made at the University of Colorado Boulder, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering. Authors: Muqbil Alkhalaf, Rachael L. Baumann
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