Energy Balance on Pressurizing a Tank

Instructional video
A gas flows through a pipe into an insulated tank (0.1 m3) that is initially at a lower pressure and at a different temperature. Click the “valve (open)” play button to start gas flow into the tank; the valve closes when the pressures equalize. The tank initially contains either an ideal gas (N2), and more N2 is added, or it contains a vapor-liquid mixture of water and superheated steam is added. Sliders change the pipe pressure and temperature and the initial tank pressure. The initial mass of water in the tank is 1 kg and that does not change when the initial tank pressure is changed with the slider. Initially the tank is at the saturation temperature of water at the initial pressure. Use the “valve (reset)” button to go back to the initial conditions before the valve was opened.
This simulation runs on desktop using the free Wolfram Player. Download the Wolfram Player here.
View the source code for this simulation
This simulation was made at the University of Colorado Boulder, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering. Author(s): Rachael L. BaumannView the source code for this simulation
Instructional video