DePriester Chart for Hydrocarbons

This simulation applies a DePriester chart, a set of nomograms, to find the vapor-liquid equilibrium ratio (the gas phase mole fraction divided by the liquid phase mole fraction, known as the K-value) for a series of hydrocarbons. Select one of three hydrocarbons: methane, propane, or n-decane. Use sliders to change the pressure and temperature; a green line connects these two points. The green circle indicates where to read the K-value on the chart, which is also displayed above the chart. The K-values for other hydrocarbons can also be read from the chart.
This simulation runs on desktop using the free Wolfram Player. Download the Wolfram Player here.
This simulation was made at the University of Colorado Boulder, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering. Author: Majed N. Aldossary
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