
Combustion Reactions: Screencasts

Overview of combustion, which is the reaction of fuel (usually hydrocarbons) with oxygen to produce water, carbon dioxide/carbon monoxide, and energy. Reviews percent excess air and wet/dry basis.

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Introduces percent excess air for combustion reactions.

We suggest that after watching this screencast, you list the important points as a way to increase retention.

Important Equations:

\[\% \; \mathrm{Excess\; Air = \frac{moles\; air\; fed – stoichiometric\; moles\; air}{stoichiometric\; moles\; air}} * 100\%\]

Only complete combustion is considered in order to determine the stoichiometric moles of air required when calculating percent excess air.

For each species involved in a combustion reaction:

\[n_i = n_{i0} + \nu _i \xi\]

where \(n_i\) is the number of moles of component \(i\) leaving the reactor, \(n_{i0}\) is the number of molecules of component \(i\) entering the reactor, \(\nu _i\) is the stoichiometric coefficient of component \(i\) (negative for reactants, positive for products), and \(\xi\) is the extent of reaction.