
Flash Separations: Interactive Simulations

Try to predict the behavior when a parameter changes before using a slider to change that parameter. Screencasts below explain how to use these simulations.

Simulation: Adiabatic Flash Drum with Binary Liquid Feed

Try to answer these questions before determining the answer with the simulation. We suggest that you write down the reasons for your answers.

  1. As temperature increases, how does V/F change, and how do the exit mole fractions change?
  2. As pressure increases, how does V/F change, and how do the exit mole fractions change?
Simulation: T-x-y and x-y Diagrams for Binary Vapor Liquid Equilibrium in a Flash Drum

Try to answer these questions before determining the answer with the simulation. We suggest that you write down the reasons for your answers.

  1. As the L/V ratio increases, how does the effluent temperature of the flash drum change?
  2. When the feed mole fraction of methanol increases, what changes in the exit streams?