Azeotropes: Screencast
Explains the properties of an azeotrope for a non-ideal, binary liquid solution in vapor-liquid equilibrium
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Important Equations:
At an azeotrope \(x_i = y_i\) for each component \(i\)
where \(x_i\) = the mole fraction of component \(i\) in the liquid phase
\(y_i\) = the mole fraction of component \(i\) in the vapor phase
For a binary mixture, at an azeotrope, either \(P > P_1^{sat} \,\,and \,\,P_2^{sat}\) or \(P < P_1^{sat} \,\,and \,\,P_2^{sat}\)
For a binary mixture, at an azeotrope, either \(T < T_1^{sat}\,\, and\,\, T_2^{sat}\) or \(T > T_1^{sat}\,\, and\,\, T_2^{sat}\)
where \(P_i^{sat}\) = saturation pressure of component \(i\)
\(T_i^{sat}\) = saturation temperature of component \(i\)
At an azeotrope \(\frac{dP}{dx_i} = 0\) and \(\frac{dT}{dx_i} = 0\)
Modified Raoult’s law \(x_i \gamma_i P_i^{sat} = y_iP\)
where \(\gamma_i\) = activity coefficient of component \(i\)