Interactive Self-Study Module: Calculating the Diameter in Pipe Flow


This module uses screencasts to teach students how to calculate the diameter of a pipe with viscous flow. Your retention of material in this module will increase if you write down reasons for your answers to ConcepTests, questions in screencasts, and you try to solve the example problem before watching the solution in the screencast.  We suggest using the learning resources in the following order:

  1. Attempt to answer the multiple choice ConcepTest and solve the example problem before watching the screencasts or working with the simulations.
  2. Watch the screencast that provides the basics on how to calculate the diameter.
  3. Try to solve the example problem before watching the solutions in the example screencast.
  4.  Answer the ConcepTests.
  5. Look at the list of key points, but only after you try to list the key points yourself.
Before studying this module, you need to:
After studying this module, you should be able to:

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