Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics (7th Ed.)
B.R. Munson, T.H. Okiishi, W.H. Huebsch, Rothmayer
1 Introduction
1.1 Some Characteristics of Fluids
1.2 Dimensions, Dimensional Homogeneity, and Units
1.4 Measures of Fluid Mass and Weight
1.5 Ideal Gas Law
1.6 Viscosity
1.9 Surface Tension
2 Fluid Statics
2.2 Basic Equation for Pressure Field
2.3 Pressure Variation in a Fluid at Rest
2.6 Manometry
2.8 Hydrostatic Force on a Plane Surface
2.11 Buoyancy, Flotation, and Stability
2.12 Pressure Variation in a Fluid with Rigid-Body Motion
3 Elementary Fluid Dynamics
3.1 Newton's Second Law
3.2 F = ma along a Streamline
3.5 Static, Stagnation, Dynamic, and Total Pressure
3.6 Examples of Use of the Bernoulli Equation
3.8 Restrictions on Use of the Bernoulli Equation
4 Fluid Kinematics
4.1 The Velocity Field
4.2 The Acceleration Field
4.3 Control Volume and System Representations
4.4 The Reynolds Transport Theorem
5 Finite Control Volume Analysis
5.1 Conservation of Mass - The Continuity Equation
5.2 Newton's Second Law - The Linear Momentum and Moment-of-Momentum Equations
5.3 First Law of Thermodynamics - The Energy Equation
6 Differential Analysis of Fluid Flow
6.1 Fluid Element Kinematics
6.2 Conservation of Mass
6.3 Conservation of Linear Momentum
6.4 Inviscid Flow
6.9 Some Simple Solutions for Viscous, Incompressible Fluids
7 Dimensional Analysis, Similitude, and Scaling
7.1 Dimensional Analysis
7.2 Buckingham Pi Theorem
7.3 Determination of Pi Theorems
8 Viscous Flow in Pipes
8.1 General Characteristics of Pipe Flow
8.2 Fully Developed Laminar Flow
8.4 Dimensional Analysis of Pipe Flow
8.5 Pipe Flow Examples
9 Flow over Immersed Bodies
9.2 Boundary Layer Characteristics
9.3 Drag