Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics (7th Ed.)
Smith, Van Ness, and Abbott
1 Introduction
1.1 The Scope of Thermodynamics
2 The First Law and Other Basic Concepts
2.1 Joule's Experiment
2.2 Internal Energy
2.3 The First Law of Thermodynamics
2.4 Energy Balance for Closed Systems
2.5 Thermodynamic State and State Functions
2.7 The Phase Rule
2.8 The Reversible Process
2.11 Heat Capacity
2.12 Mass and Energy Balances for Open Systems
3 Volumetric Properties of Pure Fluids
3.1 PVT Behavior of Pure Substances
3.2 Virial Equations of State
3.3 The Ideal Gas
4 Heat Effects
4.2 Latent Heats of Pure Substances
4.3 Standard Heat of Reaction
5 The Second Law of Thermodynamics
5.2 Heat Engines
5.4 Entropy
5.6 Mathematical Statement of the Second Law
5.7 Entropy Balance for Open Systems
6 Thermodynamics Properties of Fluids
6.1 Property Relations for Homogeneous Phases
6.2 Residual Properties
6.3 Residual Properties by Equations of State
6.4 Two-Phase Systems
6.5 Thermodynamic Diagrams
6.6 Tables of Thermodynamic Properties
7 Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes
7.1 Duct Flow of Compressible Fluids
7.2 Turbines (Expanders)
7.3 Compression Processes
8 Production of Power from Heat
8.1 The Steam Power Plant
8.2 Internal-Combustion Engines
8.3 Jet Engines, Rocket Engines
9 Refrigeration and Liquefaction
9.1 The Carnot Refrigerator
9.2 The Vapor-Compression Cycle
9.5 The Heat Pump
9.6 Liquefaction Processes
10 Vapor/Liquid Equilibrium: Introduction
10.3 VLE: Qualitative Behavior
10.4 Simple Models for Vapor/Liquid Equilibrium
11 Solution Thermodynamics: Theory
11.2 The Chemical Potential and Phase Equilibria
11.3 Partial Properties
11.5 Fugacity and Fugacity Coefficient: Pure Species
11.6 Fugacity and Fugacity Coefficient: Species in Solution
11.7 Generalized Correlations for the Fugacity Coefficient
12 Solution Thermodynamics: Applications
12.2 Models for the Excess Gibbs Energy
12.3 Property Changes of Mixing
12.4 Heat Effects of Mixing Properties
13 Chemical-Reaction Equilibria
13.1 The Reaction Coordinate
13.3 The Standard Gibbs-Energy Change and the Equilibrium Constant
13.4 Effect of Temperature on the Equilibrium Constant
13.5 Evaluation of Equilibrium Constants
13.6 Relation of Equilibrium Constants to Composition
13.7 Equilibrium Conversions for Single Reactions
13.8 Phase Rule and Duhem's Theorem for Reacting Systems
13.9 Multireaction Equilibria
14 Topics in Phase Equilibria
14.1 The Gamma/Phi Formulation of VLE
14.2 VLE from Cubic Equations of State
14.4 Liquid/Liquid Equilibrium (LLE)
14.5 Vapor/Liquid/Liquid Equilibrium (VLLE)
14.7 Solid/Vapor Equilibrium
14.9 Osmotic Equilibrium and Osmotic Pressure