Bernoulli Equation for Pipe Flow
Outlet conditions for water flow through a pipe using Bernoulli’s equation
id = bernoulli-equation (do not remove this text)
Buoyancy of a Floating Cube
Height of a cube above a liquid surface for different densities of the cube and liquid
id = bouyancy-of-a-floating-cube (do not remove this text)
Couette Flow
Velocity profile for laminar flow of a viscous fluid between two parallel plates
id = couette-flow (do not remove this text)
Drag Force on a Falling Object
Velocity versus time for a falling object
id = drag-force (do not remove this text)
Laminar Flow Around a Sphere
Vector field for flow around a sphere
id = flow-around-a-sphere-at-low-reynolds-number (do not remove this text)
Steady-State Flow from a Tank
Mass and volumetric flow rates of a liquid flowing out of a tank
id = flow-from-a-tank-at-constant-height (do not remove this text)
Forces on a Completely Submerged Gate
Force needed to keep a completely-submerged gate closed
id = forces-completely-submerged-gate (do not remove this text)
Forces on a Partially Submerged Gate
Tension in a cable that keeps a partially-submerged gate closed
id = forces-on-a-partially-submerged-gate (do not remove this text)
How Fast Does a Tank Empty? Digital Experiment
Measures the volumetric flow rate of a liquid leaving a tank as a function of the liquid height and the drain pipe diameter.
id = how-fast-does-a-tank-empty (do not remove this text)
Hydraulic Loss in a Smooth Pipe Digital Experiment
Use the continuity equation and mechanical energy balance to predict velocity and pressure trends in a pipe
id = hydraulic-loss-in-a-smooth-pipe (do not remove this text)
Laminar Pipe Flow
Fluid velocity as a function of radial distance for laminar flow in a pipe
id = laminar-flow (do not remove this text)
Height of a fluid for different pressures in three types of manometers
id = manometers (do not remove this text)
Surface Roughness Effect on Sphere Trajectory
Trajectory of a non-rotating sphere, launched from a cannon, for different surface roughness
id = surface-roughness (do not remove this text)
Representation of vector addition, scalar multiplication, and dot and cross products
id = vectors (do not remove this text)
Venturi Meter
Calculate the flow rate of a liquid through a pipe with a venturi meter
id = venturi-meter (do not remove this text)
Venturi Meter Digital Experiment
A virtual laboratory experiment for exploring venturi meters
id = venturi-meter-digital-experiment (do not remove this text)
Viscous Flow around a Rotating Rod Digital Experiment
This digital experiment measures the velocity profile of a liquid around a rotating cylinder in the limit of small Reynolds number.
id = viscous-flow-around-rotating-rod (do not remove this text)
A 2D Flow Field
A 2D fluid velocity field is using streamlines.Â
id = a-2d-flow-field (do not remove this text)
Boundary Layer in Flow between Parallel Plates
Boundary layer thickness for flow between stationary parallel plates
id = boundary-layer-in-flow-between-parallel-plates (do not remove this text)
Buoyancy of a Floating Cylinder
Height of a cylinder above a liquid surface for different densities of the cube and liquid
id = buoyancy-of-a-floating-cylinder (do not remove this text)
Capillary Action
Liquids will rise in a narrow capillary tube until a balance is established between the effects of surface tension and gravity.
id = capillary-action (do not remove this text)
Double-Sided Couette Flow
Velocity profile for laminar flow between two parallel plates, both of which can have a velocity
id = double-sided-couette-flow (do not remove this text)
Equivalent Length of a Pipe with Fittings and Valves
Equivalent length of a pipe that has the same frictional pressure drop as fittings and valves
id = equivalent-length-of-a-pipe-with-fittings-and-valves (do not remove this text)
Fluid Velocity in Rigid Body Rotation and Irrotational Flow
Velocity of a fluid for rigid body rotation and for irrotation flow
id = fluid-velocity-in-rigid-body-rotation-and-irrotational-flow (do not remove this text)
Flying a Box Kite
Flight angle of a kite and the tension force in the kite string
id = flying-a-box-kite (do not remove this text)
Force on a Thrust Reverser
Force on a thrust reverser
id = force-on-a-thrust-reverser (do not remove this text)
Frictional Pressure Drop in a Pipe
Pressure drop in a pipe, due to friction, as a function of Reynold’s number
id = frictional-pressure-drop-in-a-pipe (do not remove this text)
Linear Momentum Balance in Aerodynamic Thrust
Force generated by a jet engine on a static thrust stand
id = linear-momentum-balance-in-aerodynamic-thrust (do not remove this text)
Measuring Flow Rates with a Pitot Tube
Stagnation pressure measured by a manometer to determine fluid velocity
id = measuring-flow-rates-with-a-pitot-tube (do not remove this text)
Pressure of a Rotating Fluid
Pressure as function of location for a fluid rotated at constant angular velocity
id = pressure-of-a-rotating-fluid (do not remove this text)
Pressure Profile for Column of Multiple Fluids
Effects of fluid height and density on hydrostatic pressure for three immiscible fluids
id = pressure-profile-for-column-of-multiple-fluids (do not remove this text)
Pressure Within an Accelerating Container
Pressure on a submerged ball variation with position, fluid density, and acceleration
id = pressure-with-an-accelerating-container (do not remove this text)
Velocity Profile for Immiscible Viscous Fluids
Behavior of three immiscible fluids subject to Couette flow
id = velocity-profile-for-immiscible-viscous-fluids (do not remove this text)