Introductory Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics (1st Ed.)
J.R. Elliott and C.T. Lira
1 Introduction
1.1 Molecular Nature of Energy
1.4 Basic Concepts
1.5 Summary
2 The Energy Balance
2.1 Expansion/Contraction Work
2.7 Closed-System Energy Balance
2.8 Open-System, Steady-State Energy Balance
2.12 Energy Balances for Process Equipment
2.14 Closed and Steady-State Open Systems
2.15 Unsteady-State Open Systems
2.17 Summary
3 Entropy
3.1 The Concept of Entropy
3.2 Microscopic View of Entropy
3.3 Macroscopic Definition of Entropy
3.5 Carnot Engine
3.6 Carnot Heat Pump
3.8 Maximum/Minimum
3.11 Turbine Calculations
4 Thermodynamics of Processes
4.2 The Rankine Cycle
4.4 Refrigeration
5 Classical Thermodynamics - Generalization to any Fluid
6 Engineering Equations of State for PVT Properties
6.5 Cubic Equations of State
6.6 Solving the Equation of State for Z
7 Departure Functions
7.5 Summary of Density-Dependent Formulas
7.9 Summary
8 Phase Equilibrium in a Pure Fluid
8.1 Criteria for Equilibrium
8.2 The Clausius-Clapeyron Equation
8.4 Changes in Gibbs Energy with Pressure
8.5 Fugacity and Fugacity Coefficient
8.6 Fugacity Criteria for Phase Equilibria
8.7 Calculation of Fugacity (Gases)
8.11 Temperature Effects of G and f
9 Introduction to Multicomponent Systems
9.1 Phase Diagrams
9.2 Concepts
9.3 Ideal Solutions
9.4 Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium (VLE) Calculations
9.6 Non-Ideal Systems
10 Phase Equilibria in Mixtures by an Equation of State
10.2 Fugacity and Chemical Potential from an EOS
11 Activity Models
11.2 Modified Raoult's Law and Excess Gibbs Energy
11.3 Determination of GE from Experimental Data
11.4 The van Der Waal's Perspective
11.6 Local Combustion Theory
12 Liquid-Liquid Phase Equilibria
12.4 VLLE with Immiscible Components
13 Special Topics
13.1 Phase Behavior
14 Reacting Systems
14.1 Reaction Coordinate
14.2 Equilibrium Constraint
14.3 Reaction Equilibria for Ideal Solutions
14.4 Temperature Effects
14.5 Shortcut Estimation of Temperature Effects
14.6 Energy Balances for Reactions
14.7 General Observations about Pressure Effects
14.9 Simultaneous Reaction and Phase Equilibrium
14.11 Solid Components in Reactions
17 Reaction Equilibria
17.7 Temperature Dependence of Ka
17.8 Shortcut Estimation of Temperature Effects